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  • Metal stamping parts are lightweight, thin in thickness, and have good rigidity. Its dimensional tolerance is guaranteed by the mold, so the quality is stable and generally does not require mechanical cutting before use. The metal structure and mechanical properties of cold metal stamping parts are superior to those of the original blank, with a smooth and beautiful surface. The tolerance level and surface condition of cold metal stamping parts are superior to those of hot metal stamping parts.


  • Precision metal stamping is widely used. So what is their classification? Please refer to the following text.


  • When measuring the linear movement of CNC machining, linear detection elements are generally used, known as direct measurement. The position closed-loop control formed by this is called full closed-loop control, and its measurement accuracy mainly depends on the accuracy of the measuring elements, which is not affected by the transmission accuracy of the machine tool. Due to the precise proportional relationship between the linear displacement of the machine tool worktable and the rotation angle of the driving motor, the method of indirectly measuring the worktable's movement distance by driving the detection motor or screw rotation angle can be used. This method is called indirect measurement, and the position closed-loop control formed by it is called semi closed loop control.


  • Metal stamping parts can be manufactured using a variety of different metal materials, depending on the required mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, cost, and application environment. Here are some common stamping materials:


  • Everyone knows that aluminum alloy shells are widely used in daily life and industrial products. In order to adapt aluminum shells to certain environments or achieve certain functions, enterprises have also chosen different processes to treat the surface of aluminum shells. If aluminum alloy shell die-casting does not pay attention to these, it may lead to serious accidents.


  • How to prevent six measures from damage in hardware processing factories? We can see hardware everywhere. What kind of protection does our hardware need? How to maintain them and prevent them from being damaged. We will introduce its protective measures from six aspects.


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